Dear blog
Seriously I think i make a big mistake of blogging that last night that i also embrass ky too i never thought of that cos i really think my blog as a diary for myself so i will just write things in there how i feel things but honestly ky isnt that a bad person after all maybe sometime ky sometime he do bad things to me but he also have been nice to me just that yesterday was not in a good mood that i type those things ... After ky talk to me i really feel really bad for myself maybe things maybe bad but u have to face the problem face to face not just running away and keep it silently . Maybe i took things abit too seriously plus low esteem make the suituation worse ... Anyway it is just a misunderstand that all i can said i have to said sorry to ky cos i shouldnt be blogging that to annouce something that ky is just joking that make him into a devil anyway he is but maybe u have to know yrself not just a side story i just said once again ky is a nice person after all ....