It is going to be a beautiful day

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

No school

Dear blog

It seem to be ages i have been updating my blog lolx i think i alway watching it yet from far yet seem i'm not exist to it maybe it is just my imaginary affair life is like that wat can i said school is horrible and alot of study need to do i'm so tire and lazy to start reading it but i need a career to start so i have to ... yestersday is a bad hair day stupid classmate call me sissy boi i going to burn him if i have a flamethrower darly call me desgusing i wanted to talk back him just that dont want to make things worse wat he think he is really perfect oh pls he is just a prayer of father wat did he know about life i felt disguising when you act in front of me u r worse than kuanyi forgoddness sick .... school is really fun when hanging with my classmate i really love it dont know y just felt the crowd the joking the friendship around me dont is it really real but they really brigthen my day but think of that i think there will alway be time that they go but not now lolx ^^ just want to said ty to my friends there brigthen my day

cheer mates